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How to have a Successful Discipleship Ministry

Has God placed it in your heart to become a multiplying disciple of Jesus?
If so, here are some tips that can help you succeed in your personal discipleship ministry.


1st thing you must do to be a successful multiplying disciple maker.


Make sure to set aside quiet time each day to spend with Jesus. It's not enough to simply possess knowledge about God; seek to establish a deep, personal relationship with Him. Practice listening to His gentle, calm voice and take pleasure in His divine radiance every day. Read the Bible and mediate on His teachings, while also allowing the Holy Spirit to touch every aspect of your life. Most importantly, be willing to follow and obey everything that He reveals to you.

2nd thing you must do to be a successful multiplying disciple maker.


You need to choose who will be your next disciple. Allow the Holy Spirit to guide you in finding the person He believes is the right disciple for you. However, be selective and seek FAT (Faithful, Available, and Teachable) disciples. You should only disciple someone who has a genuine passion for Jesus, someone who is humble and clearly dedicated to walking closely with Jesus. These individuals will possess the qualities of being Faithful, Available, and Teachable.


You should also seek someone who is willing to coach another person while you are coaching them. This is crucial for the effectiveness of your ministry that seeks to multiply. If your disciple refuses to fulfill this expectation, it suggests that they may not be teachable at this moment. In such cases, it is important to move on and find another disciple who is prepared. It is necessary to establish a high standard in this regard.


3rd thing you must do to be a successful multiplying disciple maker.


Begin the discipling process by meeting regularly with your disciple and go through the curriculum of your choice. You can choose either our 9 Step Curriculum or our Keys to Being Set Free Curriculum.

Before starting, always pray and approach the meeting with humility and vulnerability towards your disciple. Never display a superiority complex. Both of you should take turns reading sections of the curriculum out loud and answer the questions together honestly, while giving glory to God.

It is important to encourage your disciple to read through the section that will be covered before you meet. This will provide them with time to answer the questions and prepare them spiritually for your meeting.

4th thing you must do to be successful multiplying disciple maker.


Build a core leadership team. We provide curriculums that will teach you how to build a core leadership team, resulting in a spiritual movement within your personal ministry.

It is crucial to go through these curriculums with your coach, as working together will allow God to use you both to make a significant impact in the Kingdom of God. It is essential to remember that Jesus demonstrated this concept when He selected the 12 disciples. Your ministry should never focus solely on discipling only one person, but rather on creating a powerful army for Jesus.


5th thing you must do to be successful multiplying disciple maker.


Make sure that you join and actively participate in a Global Special Forces Team. We provide a wide range of options that you can join and participate. You have the opportunity to join multiple teams and foster a sense of community within the Natural Discipleship Global Network.