Global Systems Strategy Network

Systems Network Guide


Welcome to our transformative Natural Discipleship Global Systems Strategy Network (GSSN)! We are excited to have you join our journey of spiritual growth, equipped with a deep understanding of our systems and how our ministry's multiplication network functions.

Throughout these pages, you will gain a comprehensive understanding of the African Leadership structure and witness firsthand the remarkable impact you all have on the global community. All of our African leaders embody a unique perspective and wisdom that plays a pivotal role in your ministry's success. Be prepared to be inspired by your dedication, passion, and unwavering commitment to furthering the Kingdom of God.


As a disciple, you will have the opportunity to earn shields, symbolizing your growth and progression within the ministry. These shields act as milestones in your spiritual journey, representing the knowledge and wisdom you acquire along the way. Each shield earned will elevate your status and responsibilities, allowing you to take on more active roles within our ministry and contribute to the greater purpose.


Another opportunity you will get is the option to join one of our special force teams.

This elite group of individuals works diligently to impact lives for Jesus and make a lasting difference in our global community especially in the 10/40 window. What is the 10/40 window? It represents 10 degrees and 40 degrees latitude, that is all of North Africa, Middle East and all Asia countries like India, China and Japan. Two-thirds of the world's population live in these places and this is where our special force team puts a lot of our attention. Joshua Project, a non-profit Christian ministry estimated that 5.11 billion individuals live in this area, representing 8,717 distinct ethnic groups. Three out of every five people in the 10/40 Window have no access to the Gospel and have not been discipled.

Currently, our Special Force Teams consist of the 10/40 Window Team, Translation Team, Prayer Team, Church Planting Team, Spiritual Growth Training Team, Printing Team, T-shirt Team, Certificate Team, Bible Team, Needs Team, Business Team and Social/ Article Team. You will find further details of the teams further in the document.

If you choose to join our Special Force Teams, you will have the ability to reach these people groups for Christ and create multiplication ministries in these parts of the world.


By becoming a member of one or more of our special force teams, you will have the chance to play a more prominent role within our ministry and take part in unique initiatives and projects designed to fulfill our mission.


Through our systems network, you will also learn how to submit requests to receive printing guides and Bibles on a first come first serve basis. These materials are essential to spreading the Word of God and nurturing the spiritual growth of others. We believe in equipping our disciples with the necessary resources to empower them as leaders and spiritual coaches.


Furthermore, as a token of your progress, you will have the opportunity to earn a Natural Discipleship T-shirt.

This symbolic shirt not only serves as a tangible representation of your dedication but also acts as a conversation starter to share your experiences and inspire others to join our Natural Discipleship movement.


To optimize your experience, we will guide you on how to effectively utilize our website This platform serves as a hub for all our resources and communication channels, enabling you to connect with fellow disciples, access insightful materials, and stay informed about upcoming events.


We are thrilled to have you as part of our Natural Discipleship team and we strongly believe that this journey will transform your life and equip you to impact others. Get ready to embrace growth, expand your horizons, and experience the beauty of spiritual multiplication. Together, we will create a brighter future for our global community and honor God's calling for our lives.


We are thrilled to have you on board with Natural Discipleship Systems Network and look forward to embarking on a transformative journey together. As a member of our network, we expect you to align with our vision and approach to ministry, fostering a like-mindedness and dedication to spreading the Gospel.


In order to make the most of your membership, it is imperative that you actively engage in multiplying disciples and remain well connected with your coach. Your coach will serve as a valuable resource, guiding and supporting you throughout your discipleship journey. Additionally, we expect you to possess an unwavering passion for reaching the lost, as this serves as the core of our mission.


To thrive within our network, you’ll need to have access to the internet and have an email. It’s also essential that you embody what we refer to as a "FAT Christian" - faithful, available, teachable. Maintaining these characteristics, you’ll cultivate an intimate relationship with Jesus, which is foundational for leading others to Him. We encourage you to shed any cultural religious practices you may have accumulated and focus on fostering a relationship, rather than merely practicing religion. The Keys to Being Set Free curriculum, undertaken with your coach, will greatly assist in discerning and understanding these differences.


As you progress, earning more shields will unlock opportunities to potentially become a sponsored disciple. This means that your discipleship ministry may be financially supported by donors within our global community. Please note that sponsorship is not guaranteed, and your motivation for ministry should never hinge on the possibility of sponsorship. Your decision to join the Natural Discipleship Network affirms your commitment to the worldwide discipleship movement and your belief in the calling upon your life to fulfill the great commission.

For more information on shields please see The Plan below to learn how to advance within the system network.


As you progress through our Natural Discipleship Systems Network and achieve the significant milestone of earning your 3rd shield, a new responsibility will present itself. You will be required to submit monthly reports to your coach and your coach will be responsible by sending in your reports as well as their reports to their coach and so on. We consider these reports to be a vital element of our accountability structure, ultimately serving as a platform to celebrate the wonderful works that God is accomplishing within your ministry.


Transparency and sharing our successes, as well as challenges, with the global community is of utmost importance to us. Through these reports, we strive to provide an insider's view of how God is powerfully moving within your personal ministry. Additionally, it serves as an opportunity for the community to uplift you in prayer and gain a deeper understanding of your specific needs. Together, we stand united in advancing God's kingdom.

We recognize the immense value in fostering a culture of accountability, celebration, and support. By reporting regularly, we are able to celebrate your victories, identify areas where additional support may be required, and offer relevant prayers to uplift you on your journey.

Your contribution to this endeavor will undoubtedly inspire and encourage others within our global community.


We encourage you to approach these monthly reports as a time of reflection and a chance to express gratitude for the remarkable ways in which God is working through your ministry. Your input will forge stronger connections among our network, reinforcing our shared commitment to spreading the Gospel and making disciples across the globe.


As you advance in your discipleship journey and successfully attain your third shield, we are excited to offer you the opportunity to order essential resources through our website. On this platform, you can access printing of the student guides, other curriculum and Bibles on a first-come, first-serve basis. To ensure a smooth ordering process, please carefully follow the instructions outlined on the website, allowing your order to be efficiently processed.


We sincerely value the importance of providing these resources to our members; however, it is crucial to acknowledge that our funding is limited. We are incredibly grateful for God's provision each month, which enables us to produce the necessary materials. In the event that we have exhausted our resources for the month and are unable to fulfill your order at that time, please be assured that you will be placed on a waiting list. As soon as additional funds become available, you will receive your requested Bibles and/or guides.


In addition to the print copies, we offer our comprehensive

curriculums for free through our dedicated app. This app can easily be downloaded from the App Store, providing you with an alternative means of accessing valuable discipleship resources. Our intention is to foster an environment where you rely on God to supply your needs, rather than solely depending on the resources provided by the Natural Discipleship global community.


At times, you may be required to cover the costs associated with printing guides and obtaining Bibles. In such instances, we kindly ask you to reach out to Patrick Steven, who will assist you in securing the necessary resources at a discounted rate. Prior to any guides being dispatched, it will be necessary to remit payment directly to Patrick's Team. Please keep in mind that we can only offer a maximum of 10 printing guides and/or 10 Bibles at a time, as there are numerous individuals within our community who are in need of these resources.

If you need to purchase your own bibles and need a resource to do so, contact Gatungo and he will help get you the Bible’s you need. Go to our contact list on our website located at for our leader’s information.


Our ultimate goal is to ensure that everyone within our network has access to the valuable tools and materials they need for their discipleship journeys. By working together and navigating these logistical considerations, we can better support one another and grow in our faith.


Natural Discipleship is a powerful ministry that equips individuals like yourself with the tools and training necessary to achieve your calling at the highest level. We are here to provide you with unparalleled support and guidance, ensuring you have the resources required for success. If you are currently not being discipled, please reach out to us, and we will gladly connect you with one of our experienced coaches, enabling you to start your personal discipleship ministry.


If you are already undergoing discipleship and have joined this platform with the intention of further expanding your knowledge and skills, we extend a warm welcome. We eagerly anticipate doing ministry with you, as we work together to fulfill our desired mission in seeing the gospel spread throughout the world one disciple at a time.


Take the time to carefully review our plan and shields system to gain a comprehensive understanding of how you can grow within our global discipleship network. We believe in your potential and are excited to witness your journey unfold.

Once again, welcome to the Natural Discipleship Systems Network. Let us join hands and change the world for Jesus!


As you progress through our Natural Discipleship Global Systems Strategy Network (GSSN) and achieve the significant milestones you will earn the shields listed below.

1st Shield - Welcome Shield - Private 1st Class


Disciple begins Discipleship curriculum with their coach. (If you need a coach contact Kassim Kabia and he will get you set up with a coach)


  • Reports to Coach weekly to go through the curriculum.

  • Responsible for attending discipleship

  • Training based on disciple & schedule.

  • Coach should fill out shield request online for your certificate.

2nd Shield - Disciple Shield - Corporal


Completes the 9-step Curriculum or Keys To Being Set Free with coach and starts discipling others.


  • Reports to Coach weekly to go through the next curriculum.

  • Meets with your own disciple weekly.

  • Coach should fill out shield request online for your certificate.

3rd Shield - Disciple Maker - Sergeant Major


  • Disciple coaches 3 different people to completion of either 9 Step Curriculum and/or Keys to Being Set Free Curriculum.

  • Certificate is given when verified by ranking coach.

  • All certificates requested are sent in to Certificate Team by Ranking Coach.


  • Reports the needs of personal ministry and generational downline for printed guides and Bibles online. All printing guide and bible requests are sent via the request form on

  • Start 10/40 Window Strategic Training - Joins special teams. Must have good internet connection for training. Sing up on

  • The disciples families will be added to the global community sponsorship portals. Each family will have an opportunity to receive funding from the global community of sponsors. However, there are no guarantees of being sponsored, but the opportunity is available. If they get monthly sponsorship, they will be required to give monthly reports to Regional Leader.

  • Natural Discipleship T-shirt is given to Disciple when reach Shield 5. The coach should request this from and select t-shirt ordering. In their request, they must specify the size of the shirt and provide disciples shipping address.

  • Responsible to follow up with all new disciples to verify they are active and engaged.

  • Training and Support - Coaches will be getting updated training info from ranking Coach Shields that they will be asked to share with their disciplees.

  • If you and your coach feel like planting church training is your next step, then you can start the Church Plant training. Go online to to sign up for church planting.

  • Start Spiritual Growth Training - Go online to to select your class and date.

  • If sponsored, must attend all global prayer meetings and trainings.

  • Utilizes mobile app for training if both disciples have smart phone to download apps.


  • Once Disciple makes 3rd Shield – Coach/Leader should submit a request for Shield Certificate online at

    • Certificate will be reviewed / status confirmed via the Certificate Team.

    • Certificate Team Leader will assign one of the team members to review the certificate request.

    • The Team member will contact the disciples leader to confirm the completion of level status.

    • The Team member will then notify the CERTIFICATE TEAM LEADER of acceptance.

    • Certificate TEAM Leader will then email confirmation and pdf certificate to the Disciple w/ congratulations.

  • Coach/Leader will need to submit request for T-shirt to the T-shirt Team via form on

  • Coach/Leader will advise disciple of new opportunities:

    • To join Special Forces Team(s),

    • Train them on following up with new disciples that they can disciple,

    • Encourage them to continue to reach out to all their disciples and follow up on their progress, report the number of each of their disciples,

    • Train them on how to submit request for bibles, prayer or special needs.

    • Train them on 10/40 Window Training or show them where to sign up for next training.

    • Sign up to attend the Spiritual Growth Training

  • Disciple can now sign up to be a part of any of the Special Forces Teams listed on the site. The disciple can choose more than one team to be a part of.

    • Special Forces Team Leaders will receive the emailed request to join the team.

    • Special Forces Team Leaders will assign one of the team members to review the request, make necessary confirmation that the disciple has reached Shield 3 status and has received the 3rd Shield.

      • May have to contact the disciples leader/coach to confirm status of completion.

      • Advise LEADER of that Special Forces Team that disciple has been confirmed.

      • That Special Forces Team Leader will then send confirmation to the disciple of acceptance into the team, along with communicate the necessary requirement for joining that team, any team meeting, training etc.

    • Disciple will then need to make adjustments to make any / all necessary meetings of the team and to be in communication w/ Team Leader and team members.

  • Disciple will need to maintain discipling others in the Natural Discipleship curriculums to earn next level of Shield.

  • Disciple will need to start reporting their disciples and their status to their Leader/Coach. You will be required to submit monthly reports to your coach and your coach will be responsible by sending in your reports as well as their reports to their coach and so on. We consider these reports to be a vital element of our accountability structure, ultimately serving as a platform to celebrate the wonderful works that God is accomplishing within your ministry.

  • Now that the Disciple has made the Disciple Maker Shield, they are ranked as a Sergeant Major, you now qualify to be listed on our global community network to have the opportunity to be sponsored financially for your ministry. Disciple will need to provide family photo and write up of their journey with Natural Discipleship to their Coach/Leader

    • The Coach/Leader will review the write up and confirm / talk with the disciple about any modifications.

    • Coach / Leader will then email the content and the photo of disciple to

    • Corp. Office will review and confirm and place onto the Global Site

4th Shield - Team Coach Shield- Chief Warrant Officer (You are a ministry minded individual)


  • Have completed Advanced training of both 9 Step and Keys to Being set free curriculum.

  • Has Completed “5 Keys to Building a Leadership Team Training.”

  • Has coached 5 Disciples to completion of either “9 Step and/or Keys to Being Set Free curriculum”

  • Has at least one 3rd Disciple maker Shield Sergeant Major

  • Has started training people in 10/40 window along with their disciples.

RESPONSIBILITIES: Fulfills all 3rd shield responsibilities plus the following:

  • Overseer of your generation of coaches within region.

  • Start Church Planting Training and/or is already planting churches.

  • Responsible for getting reports from sponsored generational disciples as well as non-sponsored generational disciples if being sponsored.

  • Also, must give personal monthly reports to their coach

  • Make Bibles and Student Guide request online via

  • Helps with Special Teams in lead positions.

  • Continues building discipleship leadership team’s

  • If sponsored must attend all global prayer meetings and trainings.

  • Leader in Spiritual Growth Training


  • Once Disciple makes 4th Shield – Coach/Leader should submit a request for Shield Certificate online at

    • Certificate will be reviewed / status confirmed via the Certificate Team.

    • Certificate Team Leader will assign one of the team members to review the certificate request.

    • The Team member will contact the disciples leader to confirm the completion of level status.

    • The Team member will then notify the CERTIFICATE TEAM LEADER of acceptance.

  • Coach/Leader will advise disciple of new opportunities:

    • Possibility to be a LEADER of a TEAM, if position is available.

    • Become overseer of their generation of coaches within their region.

  • Disciple, if being sponsored, will be responsible to:

    • Maintain detailed chart of your disciples and their generations to be reported.

    • You will be required to submit monthly reports to your coach and your coach will be responsible by sending in your reports along with their reports to their coach and so on. We consider these reports to be a vital element of our accountability structure, ultimately serving as a platform to celebrate the wonderful works that God is accomplishing within your ministry.

    • Attend the monthly global prayer meeting

    • Attend monthly leadership meetings

  • Submit Bibles and Student Guide request to the Bible Distribution Team go online to and complete the form request.

    • Bibles are fulfilled one time a month based upon funds available.

    • Request will be reviewed by our Bible Distribution Team.

    • Bible Distribution Team will provide request to corporate along with special invoice of cost.

    • Corporate will confirm available funds.

  • Start / maintain training on Church Planting.

  • Should be training other disciples in Leadership through the 5 Keys to Build a Leadership Team.

  • Should be still a part of Special Force Team(s)

5th Shield - Movement Coach Shield - Major General (You are an Advanced Trainer)


  • Fulfills all 3rd and 4th shield responsibilities plus

  • Have completed 9 steps, Keys to Being Set Free, 5 Keys to Building a Leadership Team, and 5 Keys to a Spiritual Movement Training

  • Given after 2 generational disciples make the 4th Team Coach Shield, ranking Chief Warrant Officer

  • Trainer in spiritual growth classes.

  • Are active in 10/40 window training & discipling

  • Has planted multiple churches

RESPONSIBILITIES: Fulfills all 4th shield responsibilities plus the following:

  • Works on Training and Support Team (works directly with Continental Coach Shield or Director)

  • Receives a Natural Discipleship Polo Collared Shirt

  • Given invitations to be a part of the Advanced Strategic Leadership meetings

  • Responsible for distributing downline needs such as, Bibles and Printed Student guides

  • Qualifies for guarantee month-to-month ministry donations

  • Gives monthly report of generational disciples to the Reports Team and to the Continental Leader and or Director

  • Will be a part of the advance global Leadership strategic meetings and prayer

  • Keep track of Leadership rankings per disciple region.

  • Natural Discipleship T-shirt is given to Disciple when reach Shield 5. The coach should request this from and select t-shirt ordering. In their request, they must specify the size of the shirt and provide disciples shipping address.


  • Once Disciple makes 5th Shield – Coach/Leader should submit a request for Shield Certificate online at

    • Certificate will be reviewed / status confirmed via the Certificate Team.

    • Certificate Team Leader will assign one of the team members to review the certificate request.

    • Team member will contact the disciple’s leader to confirm the completion of level status.

    • Team member will then notify the Certificate Team Leader of acceptance.

    • Certificate TEAM Leader will then email confirmation and pdf certificate to the Disciple w/ congratulations.

  • Coach/Leader will need to submit request for Polo-shirt to the T-shirt Team via form on

  • Attend Advanced Strategic Leadership meetings.

  • Report to the Continental Leader and or Director of ministry happenings on a monthly basis.

    • Will need to meet with Director monthly/ quarterly to review how ministry is expanding, answer questions of ministry involvement and provide possible pictures of items/ materials provided by Natural Discipleship.

    • Will continue to submit to the Reports Team of disciples and their generations.

  • Will need to provide monthly details of active ministry to Director to receive monthly payments from Natural Discipleship.

    • Will need to provide payment details to Director to set up receipt of payments.

  • Will be responsible to receive and distribute bibles, printed student guides, printed Keys to Being Set Free to area leaders within their region.

  • Will be responsible for receiving requests from your generational disciples of material needs, prayer, special needs and will need to submit them via

6th Shield - Continental Coach Shield – General


  • Has (4) Generational Downlines that have made 4th Team Coach Shield disciples

  • Has (2) 5th Movement Coach Shields disciples

  • Has coached at least 2 people in 10/40 window through the 9-step curriculum and or Keys to Being Set Free curriculum


  • Oversees Special Teams

  • Help write vision content for region they serve

  • Help write new training content

  • Help with Translations

  • Is a Church Planter and Trainer

  • Active in 10/40 window

  • A part of global Leadership meetings and prayer


  • Once Disciple makes 6th Shield – Coach/Leader should submit a request for Shield Certificate online at

    • Certificate will be reviewed / status confirmed via the Certificate Team.

    • Certificate Team Leader will assign one of the team members to review the certificate request.

    • Team member will contact the disciples leader to confirm the completion of level status.

    • Team member will then notify the CERTIFICATE TEAM LEADER of acceptance.

  • You will now become a head over the Special Forces Team in which you have been involved with.

    • Upon review and approval with Director and CEO of Natural Discipleship

    • Responsible for communication to team member of the Special Force Team in which you Lead

    • Responsible for all activities necessary to run and maintain the Special Force Team you lead.

    • Responsible to report actions, concerns and progress of team to African Director and CEO of Natural Discipleship.

  • You will assist in writing and meeting with other Leaders to build vision and communication to expand Natural Discipleship and ministry.

  • You will assist in writing new training material within your region.

  • Help with translations of the Natural Discipleship Curriculum options or provide a means to have it translated by an individual whom can assist.

  • You will have planted churches through your ministry

  • You are active in discipling with in the 10/40 window and providing disciples the necessary items for discipleship within their area.

  • You will be involved with the Global Leadership Meetings, Trainings and prayer times.

  • You will be reporting directly to the Director and CEO of Natural Discipleship.

    • Provide updated details of generational lines through your ministry.

    • Provide details of status of needs of disciples or major concerns.

  • You will continue to be sponsored through our global site as long as you continue to maintain active status in all happenings of Natural Discipleship.



  • This elite group of individuals works diligently to impact lives for Jesus and make a lasting difference in our global community.

  • You may join multiply teams as long as you qualify and have met the standards that have been set forth in this document.

10/40 Window Team:

  • Actively involved in discipling people via online or in person in the 10/40 window. This is a team of people are passionate about fulfilling the great commission in the most unreached regions of the world.

  • They will be responsible for making connections online with men and women of peace in these regions in order to disciple them.

  • They will use Facebook messenger and any other social media platform to make contact. They will network with other like-minded people in these regions.

  • Daily you will search and or make contact with people from 10/40 window via Facebook. English will be primary language.

  • You will set up your Facebook page to showcase your desire to help people build their personal discipleship ministry. You will offer them coaching in Natural Discipleship curriculums that are easy, transferable and highly effective in producing multiplying disciples.

  • You will build a team of disciples in the 10/40 window and share extra contacts with other 10/40 window team members if you do not have more time available to train.

  • You will attend once a month an online meeting for training, prayer and encouragement via zoom. All meetings will be done in English.

  • Your goal is to create a leadership team of multiplying disciples that multiply disciples. Each person discipled must be FAT and willing to Disciple someone else while being trained by you.

  • You will give a report once a month of your progress with your team leader.

Translation Team

  • This team will organize request for translations of 9 Step, Keys to Being Set Free curriculum, 5 Keys to Building a Leadership Team and 5 Keys to a Spiritual Movement.

  • Translations will be given permission based off of corporate approval.

  • Team leads will be in contact with person needing translation.

  • They will find someone they trust to translate into the language that’s needed.

  • If monies are needed for a translator, that will be done on a case-by-case basis. Only if budget is available and approved for the translation.

  • Members will report to Team Leader

Prayer Team

  • Responsible for emailing prayer requests.

  • Everyone interested in joining team can sign up to get monthly prayer requests via email or on

  • People can send in prayer request via email or on line at

  • Must be a part of the global monthly zoom prayer meetings in English.

  • Send out weekly prayer requests to the Prayer team members.

  • Contact team members and ask them for their prayer request or they can go online to and give a prayer request there.

Spiritual Growth Training Team

  • Advance training in exegesis, hermeneutics, systematic theology, books of the bibles. Trainings done online or in person.

  • Trainings will be available on case-by-case basis.

  • Team leads will be responsible for trainings and dates for training sign-ups will be added to website.

  • In person trainings can be available based on lead trainers’ country.

  • Team will consist of qualified leaders that have advanced training in the area being taught.

  • All trainers must be approved and vetted by the corporate team.

  • All training dates must be approved by corporate team.

  • The Trainers will need to send to corporate their training outline with notes for approval.

  • Language for training can be based on language best served in area.

  • Request form to join team as a teacher or to be trained.

  • Responsible to attend all classes available.

  • Team members will report directly to the Team Leader regularly.

T-shirt Team

  • We will print mass quantity of t-shirts in 4 Regions of Africa.

  • They will be stored by team leader and sent directly to person receiving t-shirt for distribution.

  • Request form will be done by coach online at for achieving disciple and regional team lead of t-shirt team will be responsible to ship via mail t-shirt or deliver in person.

  • Team lead will get request form and then they will send to region request is made from.

  • Request form will have name, mailing address, phone number, email, T-shirt size, coach name and coaches coach name.

  • Monthly balance will be set for t-shirts and overseen by team lead.

  • Regional team leaders must only send out allocated number of t-shirts based on budget.

  • Must have amount of t-shirt and shipping cost included in calculations.

  • Corporate will send monies for t-shirts monthly based on need. If more t-shirts are needed than funds allow, a waiting list will be started and organized by regional leader.

  • T-shirt Team will be working directly with Team lead to produce, ship and confirm receipt of items sent out the other leaders that requested t-shirts.

Certificate Team

  • This team is responsible to organize certificate distribution.

  • An email letter and certificate are sent out once coach sends in request based on completion for ranking advancement.

  • Need request form- Name of Disciple, phone number, address and email address. Coach name and ranking along with Coaches Coach name and ranking.

  • Team lead is responsible for verifying each certificate achievement before cert is emailed to coach of person.

  • Team members report to Team Leader to confirm production, verification and submission of certificates to the leaders requesting item(s).

Bibles Team

  • Will be responsible for organizing bible distribution from Bible society in the country of need.

  • All request will be sent to corporate and moneys will be sent directly to bible society.

  • Team will be responsible to getting bibles from bible society directly.

  • Team leader receives email of the request. Contacts bible society location in country, gives amount and gets price and invoice. Then sends invoice with email link for payment. Sends request of payment to Corporate.

  • All orders are done once a month from corporate.

  • Team is responsible for waiting list and staying within budget for the month.

  • Each month corporate will give bible budget amount.

  • Team Leader is responsible for verifying bible order before order is made.

  • Request form will have person needing bibles name, email, address, phone number. Coach name, email and Phone number.

Social / Article Team

  • Our Social Media Article Writing Team is comprised of writers and teachers dedicated to providing enriching content for our global community. As a part of this team, you will contribute articles spanning topics such as discipleship, spiritual growth, encouragement, testimonies and more, on a monthly basis. All contributions should be relayed to Pete for review and publication.

  • Considering that our global communication medium is English, we request that all articles be written in this language. However, our grammar team is on standby to assist with any necessary edits for improved article flow.

  • If your preferred writing language is different, you may write the article in your native language and translate it to English using Google Translate before sending it to Pete.

  • Team leader receives email of the request. Contacts bible society location in country, gives amount and gets price and invoice. Then sends invoice with email link for payment. Sends request of payment to Corporate.

  • Responsible to produce social media posts.

  • Get approval for social posts prior to postings

  • Responsible for writing articles to post on website blog / post to social media.

  • Reports to CEO of Natural Discipleship

Needs Team

  • Responsible to collect / track requests that come in for special needs of team members / participants of Natural Discipleship.

  • Reports to CEO of Natural Discipleship

Business Team

  • Reports to CEO of Natural Discipleship